On the occasion of KUNSTPUNKTE DÜSSELDORF (Friday, September 13, 2019, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Wittenberger Weg 1, 40593 Düsseldorf) we showed projections by Ricardo Basbaum (Rio de Janeiro), Andrea Hofmann and Nina Peters (raumlabor Berlin), Folke Köbberling (Berlin/Braunschweig) at the communication platform Wiesencafé.
In July, the Brazilian artist Ricardo Basbaum — as the first non-European artist — has been our guest. We show a Choreografic Diagram. Also in summer, Andrea Hofmann and Nina Peters from raumlabor Berlin on Wittenberger Weg have designed a temporary roof construction with children and young people. Folke Köbberling has crocheted a carpet from sheep’s wool with the help of many people.
Instagram: Wiesencafe_Wittenbergerweg
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Drone video of the Apple Feast, 5 September 2019 on Wittenberger Weg, Düsseldorf, on the open air platform Wiesencafé