Fourth Meadow Talk

On Monday, 10 June 2019 at 3 pm, the fourth Meadow Talk took place in Nebelin.
Guests from Nebelin, Wittenberge, Bad Wilsnack, NRW, Berlin, Hamburg and Karstädt discussed the pros and cons of the A14 motorway and the necessity of noise protection for Nebelin.

The fourth Meadow Talk, 10.06.2019. Photo Beate Steil

Loam as noise protection – vertical compensation measure on the planned A14 motorway was presented as a topic and idea.



Instead of a conventional solution, such as an earth wall or steel/aluminium/concrete wall, we propose a noise protection prototype of compressed earth or built in Weller loam technique in the area of kilometers 16 to 20 as part of the construction of the A14 motorway south of Karstädt.
Due to its mass and porous surface, clay has an extremely high noise protection factor.
Clay construction is sustainable, uses building materials from the immediate surroundings and is also a nature-oriented building.
Such a noise protection wall uses, innovatively conceived, the Weller loam and compressed loam techniques that were widespread in East Germany until 100 years ago. Aesthetically it blends into the landscape in terms of materiality and colour.

A noise protection wall made of rammed or corrugated clay additionally fulfils the function of a vertical compensatory measure and thus prevents additional land consumption.
It also provides a refuge for many insect species, including specially protected wild bees.

Inhabited Weller clay wall. Foto: Christian Hansel

Durability is guaranteed by the special construction technology; at the same time, dismantling is possible with comparatively little effort. A clay wall in corrugated or compresseded clay construction is practically maintenance-free and therefore causes no further costs.
In its function as noise protection and vertical, ecological compensation measure, the wall in Prignitz has the potential to become a European showcase project.

The technology has already been used for large modern buildings (Ricola, Herzog de Meuron/Martin Rauch; Ozeaneum, Bolthauser; Alnatura headquarters Darmstadt, Martin Rauch, testing in individual cases RZS) and has thus proven its industrial usability.

11 metres high wall of compressed clay. Ricola company, Herzog de Meuron/Martin Rauch